The Lomonosov Moscow State University is planning to convene a traditional biannual 10-th International Conference «BIOCATALYSIS-2015» in June 21−26, 2015.
The Biocatalysis-2015 Conference will take place in Moscow region in Avantel Club Istra hotel.The BIOCATALYSIS Conferences have been conducted regularly since 1974. «Biocatalysis-2009» and «Biocatalysis-2013» assembled researchers from Europe, USA, Japan and other countries as well as over 450 scientists from Russia and the former Soviet Union.
- Structure, catalytic mechanism and protein engineering of enzymes. Bioinformatics and biocatalysis. Metabolic design
- Industrial biocatalysis (enzymes, multi enzyme systems and cells). Fine organic synthesis. Design of biotransformation processes
- Analytical applications of biocatalysis: test systems, biosensors, bioanalytical nanotechnology and biochips. Biocatalysis for chemical and biological safety
- Biocatalysis in environmental biotechnology
- Enzymes, ribozymes and proteins as drugs and vaccines
- Innovations and technology transfer. International cooperation
- Nanomedicine problems and prospects: diagnostics, address delivery of medicines and other therapeutic agents with application nanomaterials
Form of attendance: oral presentations, poster sessions.
The deadline of abstracts submission April 15, 2015
Регистрационный взнос – 3000 руб., для студентов и аспирантов – 1500 руб., заочное участие – 1500 руб.