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Целевое обучение 2024
Логотип АлтГТУАлтайский государственный технический университет им. И.И. Ползунова
Научно-организационный отдел

International Conference «Dubna Nano»

21.12.2011 17:43
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for for Nuclear Research
Даты проведения:
09.07.2012 — 14.07.2012
Срок подачи заявки:
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The International conference «Dubna-Nano2012» is organized by Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The conference will be held in Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia, on July 9−14, 2012. It is third in the series starting with Dubna-Nano2008. The conference is devoted to various problems of nanophysics and related applications. A multidisciplinary character of the conference assumes effective exchange of ideas between different areas of nanophysics.

The presentation will include oral talks and posters. The conference proceeding will be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series. The conference language is English.

15.02.2012 abstracts deadline & end of registration.